The challenges facing Africa’s development are multifaceted and complex, involving various factors beyond the commitment of its leaders.

Despite being rich in natural resources, many African countries continue to struggle with poverty.

Dr. Karim Ouro, a businessman and plastic surgeon, recently shared his insights. In an exclusive interview with Oyerepa News at the Togolese Diaspora event in Accra, Ghana, he emphasized the need for governments to prioritize lifting people out of poverty and promoting economic growth.

Dr Ouro also highlighted concerns about African leaders’ relationship with youth, suggesting that some leaders have created a class system perpetuating inequality. He noted that Togo, for instance, ranks 163rd on the list of wealthiest countries globally, which he attributes to ineffective leadership.

“There are 193 million countries in the world but if we are to rate, Togo is part of the last 21 poorest countries in the world, what can they boast of? They have the deepest sea and the Togo Port. And they survive on their taxation systems. Meanwhile, Togo is blessed with so many minerals,” he hinted.

He emphasized the importance of Africans to stand on one goal. “Dubai was a country in the desert but now Dubai is a place that everyone would want to rush to. Everyone wants to go and see the beauty of this country. Why can’t our leaders do the same thing?

Dr Karim Ouro used the occasion to appeal to the Ambassador of Togo in Ghana to be the mouthpiece of Togolese in Ghana and talk to their leaders to create jobs for the youth.

Akowuah Ebenezer Nimako

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