Rev Francis Mastan, SVD Biblical Co- ordinator for Divine Words Missionaries,Ghana province


Rev Fr Francis Mastan, SVD
Biblical Co-ordinator for Divine Word Missionaries, Ghana Province

According, Rev Francis Mastan, said that the junior high Bible study program is all about spreading the word of God, they have been doing this for the past 25 – 30 years now as far as he knows many years our society has organized many bible programs the famous one in our country was 30 days fasting for the catheter’s, for the teachers and for the leaders of the church and was really successful program

Furthermore, he made it clearly that the main idea of the Bible camp for youth can’t recently going away from the catholic church, specially they don’t have the Bible knowledge much and they see the peers or their friends around in the school, city they see that the Pentecostal know more things Bible than the catholic people so they decided to also educate the catholic people about the Bible, starting from the junior high school (jhs), senior high school (shs ) , university or tertiary level.

Therefore, this is second batch organizing the first batch was the senior high school in August a similar way one week , the second batch is the junior high school and the third batch will be in August for the tertiary students the main aim is that giving knowledge about the Bible to the youth, teaching them and knowing the word of God and how the Bible came to be because they had got the real story
Bible scholars will come father Rev , father Micheal Mensah will be there for two days and many Bible scholars will come to help the youth understand the word of God .

In addition, He said that not only the social media platform spoiled our youth but it also our family, parents and our church responsibility. Social media was because many youth has been attracted watching so many things but in our churches if church leaders, family and parents take lead to teach them the word of God definitely they learned more about it so can’t blame completely social media,

He is planning more programs with youths, last words of Rev Francis Mastan is we should spread the word of God to the youth.


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